Grade 3-5

Hey, Mom! What’s for Breakfast?

Updated: October 25 2023,


In this lesson you will:

  • Discuss food items you consume for breakfast.
  • Investigate elements of foreign culture, particularly food.
  • Use map skills to locate selected foreign nations.
  • Increase your knowledge of the these definitions:
    • Economic wants are things people would like to have.
    • Goods and services are provided to fulfill these wants.
    • Those who create the goods and provide the services are producers.
    • Those who use them are consumers.
    • Consumers found in different parts of the world may have differing wants.
    • Foods for satisfying hunger are a common economic want.
    • Foods can vary greatly from one part of the world to another.



  1. Your teacher will divide you into cooperative learning groups. (Think about how your multiple intelligences can help the group during this lesson.) Place the square paper in the center of your work space. Everyone should be able to write on it at the same time. Think about the foods you eat for breakfast. Write down your favorite. USE A PENCIL! Talk about these foods in your group. Which are the same? Be ready to share these ideas with the whole class.
  2. In the small group, talk about the ingredients used to produce these foods. For example: Cereal from corn or rice, raisins from grapes, jelly from fruit, toast from bread made from wheat. Write INGREDIENTS with CRAYON on your square near your food list.Look at the vocabulary words for today. Read the words from the chart. Can you find a word on your square paper that names a CONSUMER? Write CONSUMER with a MARKER near that word.Can you find a sample of GOODS? Write GOODS with a MARKER near that word on your square paper.Can you find others? Some samples for the key words for today may not be found on your square paper. Choose labels carefully.
  3. Go to and then open and print the worksheet Breakfast Around the World.Using the web site Breakfast Around the World , explore the following countries and decide what would be the basic breakfast food that you would find there. Enter the description of the food in the space provide.


Once you have completed this form then try the following activity and discover how well you research the breakfast foods of these countries. Match the breakfast foods with the correct country. What nation would you expect to have spaghetti for breakfast?

Matching activity

  1. Your teacher will assign each group a country. After reading about your country at the web site, choose someone to locate your nation on the classroom wall map. Be prepared to share something interesting about the country with your classmates. You may also wish to find your nation using the site “ .”
  2. Think to yourself, “Why do you think people in countries around the world eat different foods?” Ask each person in your group to share their ideas. Do you think climate might have something to do with differences? Have you heard of all these different foods? Use a dictionary to check the meaning of a food that you have never heard of.
  3. Think about and then share examples of foods that you have eaten that may have come from foreign countries. Do restaurants in your town serve any of these foods? Does the school cafeteria cook foods from nations around the world?
  4. Your group may have time to visit this web site “ ”  Then when you are finished you can check out some of the  delicious breakfast ideas at “ .”
  5. As the lesson closes, review the words of the day posted on the charts in your room. Talk about them in your group. Does everyone understand the meanings? Can you give examples of each?


Review key vocabulary words:

  • goods
  • consumers
  • ingredients
  • services
  • resources
  • producers
  • economic wants